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Undercover ‘Crossing

Watching those Finders from the shadows
by kz4ufo
November 19, 2006
If you have ever heard, “Hey, you forgot your book!” moments after an attempted wild release, chances are you have changed your release tactics since then. I certainly have.

The majority of wild releases I do are now undercover. No, I don’t have a trench coat and dark glasses. Okay, well, I do have dark glasses, but that’s because they make me look so cool!

What I do have is a few special purse-like bags that enable me to quickly and quietly release books. No one would anticipate that I had 3 or more books marked “FREE” on them inside my bag, ready to drop at a minute’s notice.

After I find the perfect release spot, I drop the book and like a good undercover ‘Crosser, I wait in the shadows.

If you have never watched a wild book being caught, I highly recommend it. It is definitely one of the most eye-opening experiences a BookCrosser can have.

From my personal observation, I have found there are six different types of Finders.

The most popular one is the Sampler. This is the individual who recognizes the lone book is “different”. She looks around to see if someone has some sort of claim to this book. If it appears clear, she picks up the book and reads all the labeling and BookCrossing information. Then, as if she thinks someone can explain more, she looks around again. If it still appears safe, she picks up the book and walks away.

The next most popular one is the Braveheart. This is the individual who sees the highly visible FREE label or bookmark and without hesitation boldly picks up the wild book and walks away.

My personal favorite is the Double-Taker. This is the individual who sees the book and takes a few steps past it. Then, as if it dawns on him he saw something “FREE”, he turns around and goes back to the book. After reading the labeling and BookCrossing information, he looks around. He quickly shrugs and takes the book.

The most comical of the Finders is definitely the Shifter. This is the individual who sees the book, knows it’s free and wants it. But she doesn’t want to call attention to herself. So she keeps moving toward it, gradually shifting in the direction of the book. If it appears clear, she will attempt to grab the book. Not calling attention to her action, she quickly grabs the book and tucks it under her arm. If carrying a purse or shopping bag, she may quickly slip the book away inside the bag. The movement is very quick and if you lose focus, you may not see it happen until the Shifter has scurried off.

Another comical Finder is the Questioner. This is the individual who sees the book and quickly reads the labeling and BookCrossing information. Yet that doesn’t satisfy him. He needs to draw some attention to the book and himself. He will ask people in the area if the book belongs to them, occasionally even explain why the book is free (note: another reason why clear BookCrossing labeling is important) and ask if someone wants it. If he is with a group himself, he may discuss this with his family or friends. Questioners don’t always take the book, but they usually help draw another potential Finder to it.

The most frustrating of the bunch is definitely the Reviewer. This is the individual who sees the book and gently picks it up. She reads all the labeling and BookCrossing information. Then she reads the back cover or the inside cover jacket book description. She then opens the book and reads quotes or reviews about the book from the front pages. Occasionally she may start reading the first few pages before deciding to take the book. I have found that only sixty percent of the time a Reviewer will take a book.

Naturally there are combinations of Finders. You may see a hesitant Reviewer who comes back in a few moments and does a Braveheart. So try to stick around and observe the wild book as long as you can.

When you wild release and want to go undercover, pick out a spot that you don’t mind waiting a few hours. Malls (especially with food courts) and parks are great areas to blend-in and catch up on some reading of your own. Just remember that if you are reading, try not to be too close to the wild book as it will identify you as the possible Releaser.

So what are you waiting for? Grab that BookCrossing bag and a few books and go undercover. And don’t forget the dark glasses! ;)

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