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Newbies Speak!

Brief bits from three new BookCrossers
by BCNewsletter
April 5, 2006
Presenting a compilation of three brief articles from three new members from three parts of our BookCrossing world!

I want to play too!

by inksmudge

I recently joined BookCrossing and have been busy finding, dusting off and registering my books. I am so jazzed about the idea of releasing my books into the Wild! But I am a little saddened that I don't have many opportunities to go book hunting. This is Southern California -- where the sun shines most of the time and people are generous and kind and well - original! Where are the books, people? I don't see many getting released into the Wild and I need to play. As soon as I receive my release kit I intend to get the ball rolling...starting with some basic drops at the laundromat, park, etc... Won't someone join me and put SoCal at the forefront of this book movement? I know I have lots of books to release and I see people reading everywhere. The book stores are always full and so are the libraries. So come on, get with it and help others to find these little treasures -let's share!


by sanjwri

Only found this site a few days ago when I came across a leaflet in my local art shop...it is such a brilliant idea.

Reading is my most favourite pastime..it has helped my life grow so much as a human/spiritual being....I am never without a book and sometimes I do not want to give that book away, even if I know it will be one that I would never read again! My bookcase can only hold so many.

So I think this idea and site is wonderful...I have already registered and released a book...I do not have that feeling of 'despair' as I do when I take books to charity shops, that I know someone will have to pay for again and again, especially if they return it to the charity shop also.

I have already forwarded this link to lots of friends across the world and am waiting with anticipation for their response.

I think that sharing in this way is so beautiful and profound...giving with no strings attached...it's what life should be about...it's sites like this that make our world a better place to live in...THANK YOU!

Make it now!

by Berlioz31

"How strange it is," I thought at first. Is it a game or something really serious? BookCrossing is amazing. I do like this way of getting a book. It seem like a gift of a god. If you feel lonely, think about it: sometimes life is a game. My first book I read with BookCrossing is Le Noel d'Hercule Poirot d'Agatha Christie. Soon I will make a journal note on it and free the books I do like for the happiness of it. I wish peace for all of you.

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