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BookCrossing discovered

by Berniec
June 8, 2005

I was happily surfin' the net one day,

When an extraordinary site came my way.

What was this? Catching and releasing a book?

Didn't quite understand, so thought I'd take a look.

Excitement building and with racing mind

So which book should travel? The answer - ANY KIND!

I looked on my bookcase, which one would be first?

Choosing one down - I was fit to burst!

Where should I drop it for someone to discover?

A park bench? A bus stop? Or somewhere with cover?

Inside a building? Minimizing the number of folk,

Or outside in the open. The decision's no joke!

So registration first, then I'm given a BCID.

This bookcrossing's exciting! Or is it just me?

Registration complete, a leaving place I want...

Set off for a family meal at a local restaurant.

Took the book with me, to leave where it would be found,

Hoping that someone would see it, whilst eating and drinking and looking round.

So I left on a window sill and haven't seen it again.

But I like to think my loss is someone else's gain!!

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