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Skyring 15 hrs ago | 2 replies
This one has gotten around:

Skyring 15 hrs ago
[[So what's new and/or different with you? ]] 1. Being a grandparent. Every week there is something new and different. The little ones learn new skills and show them off. As parents we had so many other things to do; it…

Skyring 15 hrs ago
[[[[It's working, and yes, there is interest. Listening right now to one of your "Golden Crate" shows. Stagger Lee has just come up. Wow.]] I guess you missed my original post for 2 years, but I'm glad you finally fou…

Skyring 4 days ago
[[[[Trump keeps raising the idea that he was a much more respected leader abroad than President Biden has been ]] But that's true - just ask Orbán or Putin or Kim Jong Un, they'll confirm it!]] Exactly. Is that…

Skyring 4 days ago | 3 replies
It's working, and yes, there is interest. Listening right now to one of your "Golden Crate" shows. Stagger Lee has just come up. Wow. You know, one of the massive benefits of the internet is the "long tail" ability to…

Skyring 4 days ago
[[Trump keeps raising the idea that he was a much more respected leader abroad than President Biden has been (which I think is absurd).]] Gosh. That is light years away from the truth. He was treated with deferenc…

Skyring 4 days ago
[[ Exactly. But in the beginning they really grate on the ear. I have to admit that although I actually enjoy the fact that languages evolve (they SHOULD - cultures do!), I still haven't acclimated to the (now fully a…

Skyring 4 days ago
I think your life has changed more than most. It is strange to think that the offbeat idea of a clever American years ago has resulted in the existence of actual human beings. Relationships, friendships, adventures…

Skyring 1 wk ago
A Man in Full. Kind of disheartening watching an unlikable character do pretty much what he wants.

Skyring 1 wk ago
Trump's base isn't enough to get him elected. He needs to win over independents and undecided voters and the indications are that this verdict isn't helping there. While it is rare for a rich white guy to be imprisone…

Skyring 1 wk ago | 1 replies
The Amsterdam event was awesome. Amsterdam - and the Netherlands as a whole - is high on my list of places made for people to enjoy life. All you need is a bike and you can go anywhere. And a nicer bike to park beside wh…

Skyring 3 wks ago
I came here to say that! Great to see this book find a new reader. I enjoyed it. And the George Clooney movie.

Skyring 4 wks ago | 2 replies
Excellent idea, LeishaC! There is a high bar to running a convention, especially if it is to reach. let alone exceed, some of the standards already set. A prospective convention organiser might love to host an inte…

Skyring 1 mo ago
Much as I'd love to, without a significant turnaround in my fortunes attendance seems unlikely for this OAP.

Skyring 1 mo ago | 1 replies
Flights booked! I get in Wednesday arvo and leave Monday morning, so should have plenty of time and no worries about luggage. Snow is probably unlikely in November, yeah?

Skyring 1 mo ago
[[Our son's girlfriend grew up on a farm, and her father still raises a few cows for beef. This year we will be buying some of that beef, sharing 1/4 of a cow with our son. We've done our best to make space in our baseme…

Skyring 1 mo ago
Missmarkey, you may not have been there in person but we all certainly thought warm thoughts toward you for your wonderful running of this enjoyable game. Megan did a great job. I think a few of the rules were bent bu…

Skyring 1 mo ago
[[No, but some places were "volunteered".]] I was spreading some of those rumours … I would hate for the grand tradition of birthday conventions to come to an end. I have attended so many of these things around the…

Skyring 1 mo ago
[[Thank you for all your beautiful words and attention we were showered with! We are overwhelmed by the love we have received over the Convention weekend, and the memory of our days together will stay with us forever. Th…

Skyring 1 mo ago
[[I couldn’t have said it any better. Safe travels and take care of yourself and your loved ones, my brother in flights ]] Thank you. You'll be interested in my trip report, currently being updated somewhere south of …

Skyring 1 mo ago | 7 replies
If I seem a little glum at times today, please know that I am not frowning over this convention. Tampere 2024 has been an event to hold close to the heart and pull out on those days in the future when I need a little …

Skyring 1 mo ago
[[I put my small ones next to a bin in a holder. There quite some people picking them out of the bin.]] Ah. So that's what they are doing. I just figured they were looking for dhurries.

Skyring 2 mos ago
[['Looking forward to trying reindeer. ]] Reindeer and caribou are the same species. Pete, who has yet to devour either

Skyring 2 mos ago | 1 replies
[[My husband was totally traumatized on his first visit. According to him, men were sitting in sofa watching tv, brushing teeth etc, all w their private parts in full view. LOL. Took years for him to agree to visit anoth…

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