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4 Forum Posts Found:

AuthorsAnon 11 yrs ago
Thank you everyone for your welcome : today I released HIDDEN by Shalini Boland into the Wilds of Venice ! Looking forward to it being 'caught'! :)

AuthorsAnon 11 yrs ago
If you're passing through Venice, in the Cannaregio area any time soon, and enjoy gothic novels - look out for HIDDEN, by Shalini Boland, which I released at the Hotel Ai Mori dell'Oriente today: Gothic YA, with a lot of…

AuthorsAnon 11 yrs ago | 6 replies
Hello, joined last year - finally getting my act together to try out Book Crossing. Think it's a wonderful idea. Going to be leaving a couple of books in Venice soon - I have a gothic palace in mind, because the first t…

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