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From Fitzroy North, Victoria Australia
Age 68
Joined Saturday, January 24, 2004
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 5 598
released in the wild 1 482
controlled releases 0 51
releases caught 1 217
controlled releases caught 0 38
books found 0 400
tell-a-friend referrals 0 24
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forum posts 3 125
Extended Profile
I first joined bookcrossing to try and reduce the number of books I had accumulated, but that theory quickly evaporated. I have grown to love bookcrossing because it has allowed me to mix my love of travel with literature. I've been to some amazing places and met some beautiful like minded book people, some of which I now call life long friends. How lucky are we to be bookcrossers?
My first international convention was Washington, I was on the working committee for Melbourne and amongst others have attended Oxford, Athens, Mainz and Falkirk.
I try to attend most of the Aus/NZ uncons, last one was on Waiheke Island NZ, October 2023.

Just in case you draw me in a NSS, here are some ideas.
I love any crime, mystery or thriller fiction that isn't too gorey. My wishlist is up to date with books from my real life crime bookclub.
I drink tea of any kind, like chocolate and also enjoy a red wine.
Because I live in Aus, if you feel like adding a little something from your home country, please make it small, so I can get it home intact.

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